The apparent physical traits of this domestic breed paired with the fact that they are well known as loving and quite comical companions, makes the breed a highly sought-after pet. The Scottish fold is a domestic breed whose origin is a natural dominant-gene mutation. The gene mutation effect cartilage throughout the body and in return is the cause of the “folded” ear that gives it, its name. Typically, a Scottish fold kitten costs a considerable amount more than most domestic cat breeds.
There is nothing a Scottish fold loves more than to be with his people, participating in whatever they are doing. They are typically good-natured and not easily upset or excited which makes them extremely adaptable to other animals and households of many types. If you are looking for a loyal can that makes you feel like you are theirs, this is the cat breed for you. Scottish Folds tend to become extremely attached to their humans.
Another cute characteristic of the “Fold” is that they are also known for sleeping on their backs and posing in weird positions such as their legs stretched out with their paws resting on their belly- aka the “Buddha Position”
Child Friendly
Dog Friendly
Easy to Groom
Energy Level
Health Issues
Social Needs
Stranger Friendly
Smaller, tightly folded ears set in a cap-like fashion are preferred to a loose fold and larger ear. The large, round eyes and rounded head, cheeks, and whisker pads add to the overall rounded appearance. The Scottish Fold is a medium-sized cat, with males typically reaching 4 to 6 kg (9–13 lb), females 2.7–4 kg (6–9 lb). The Fold’s entire body structure, especially the head and face, is generally rounded, and the eyes large and round. The nose will be short with a gentle curve and the cat’s body well-rounded with a padded look and medium-to-short legs. The head is domed at the top, and the neck very short. The broadly-spaced eyes give the Scottish Fold a “sweet expression”
Scottish Folds can be either long- or short-haired, and they may have nearly any coat color or combination of colors.
The original Scottish Fold was a white barn cat named Susie, who was found at a farm in Scotland in the early 1960’s. Susie’s unusual ears had a fold in their middle. When Susie had kittens, two of them were born with folded ears, and that when they caught the attention of a neighboring farmer who had an interest in cats. It was the neighbor who started to breed the Scottish Fold kittens with the help of geneticist Pat Turner. The breeding program produced 76 kittens in the first three years—42 with folded ears and 34 with straight ears. The conclusion from this was that the ear mutation is due to a simple dominant gene.
By the mid-1970s, the Scottish Fold had been recognized by most cat associations in North America.
The typical lifespan of a Scottish Fold is 15 years. Scottish folds are susceptible to polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and cardiomyopathy. Scottish folds are also prone to degenerative joint disease, most commonly affecting the tail, ankles, and knees which can result in reduced range of motion.
- Degenerative joint disease, especially in the tail but also in the ankle and knee joints, causing pain or poor mobility. It’s important to handle the tail carefully if it has developed stiffness.
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease, has been seen in the breed, but it has not yet been proven to be a heritable form of the disease.
He is a sweet cat who enjoys attention. The last thing he wants is to be left alone for hours on end, so he’s not the best choice unless someone is home during the day or you can give him the company of another cat. Because of the Folds’ friendly and laidback disposition, this cat is a perfect choice for families with children and cat-friendly dogs. He loves the attention he receives from children, but only if they treat him politely and with respect. The Scottish Fold likes likes to play and is capable of learning tricks.
Because of his folded ears, it’s important to check them weekly, especially if they are tightly folded. If they look dirty, wipe them out with a cotton ball or soft damp cloth moistened with a 50-50 mixture of cider vinegar and warm water. Avoid using cotton swabs, which can damage the interior of the ear.
Average Kitten Price: $1000 – $1500 USD